Children's animation. Greenback threatens to take London back to the Ice Age with his weather machine unless he is crowned king. Show more
Classic cartoon adventure series. Greenback's new invention brainwashes anyone who hears his voice into becoming one of his slaves of evil. Show more
Adventures with the wily rodent and his sidekick Penfold. Their mission here is to retrieve a thoroughbred herd of bagpipes from Baron Greenback. Show more
Baron Greenback lures DM and Penfold to a haunted mansion in Transylvania, planning to scare them to death with his remote controlled fiends.
Baron Greenback steals Professor Squawkencluck's growth serum and turns a giant chicken loose on London to terrorise the town. Can DM and Penfold save the day?
Classic cartoon series. Dangermouse and Penfold go searching in the jungle for the lost crown of Questabottle, the Aztec King of Practical Jokers.
Classic cartoon adventure series. Dangermouse and Penfold are dispatched to Wales to take care of a troublesome green beast - Jones the Dragon.
Children's animation. The Baron accidentally creates an army of thousands of Penfolds during the trial run of his duplicator. Show more
Greenback's weather machine can create any kind of terrible weather, so he threatens to send a new Ice Age to London unless they crown him king.
Dangermouse and Penfold become Earth Ambassadors.
Children's animation. Baron Greenback has established himself on the moon and is jamming all communications.
Adventures with the wily rodent and his sidekick Penfold. Dangermouse and Penfold journey to Iceland to take on the stranded Baron. Show more
Animation featuring the wily rodent and his sidekick Penfold. Greenback devises a devilish device to make everything, and everyone, as old as the hills. Show more
The fiendish Greenback plants a remote-controlled device on Dangermouse's car and takes control of it, wreaking horrendous havoc all over the capital. Show more
Adventures with the wily rodent and his sidekick Penfold. After falling into one of Baron Greenback's inventions, Nero the caterpillar discovers he has incredible powers. Show more
Animated antics from the super hero of the mouse world. Greenback's latest fiendish scheme involves secreting cactus pins in cushions around the land. Show more
Animated antics from the super hero of the mouse world. When Penfold gets a cold, master of disguise Agent 57 joins DM on an adventure.