Animation. The Clark kids pursue their dog across space, who is trapped onboard the ship Dogstar. The crew of the Valiant become embroiled in a war. Show more
Animation. The Clark kids pursue their dog across space, who is trapped onboard the ship Dogstar. Glenn unwittingly gets the Valiant into trouble. Show more
Animation. The Clark kids pursue their dog, Hobart, who is trapped onboard the ship Dogstar. The Valiant is captured by robots. Show more
Animation. The Clark kids pursue their dog across space, who is trapped onboard the ship Dogstar. Bob Santino captures Boombah after the Valiant is damaged. Show more
Animation. The Clark kids pursue their dog across space, who is trapped onboard the ship Dogstar. Show more
Children's animation. The Clark kids pursue their dog across space, who is trapped onboard the ship Dogstar. Show more
Animation. The Clark kids pursue their dog across space, who is trapped onboard the ship Dogstar. Show more
Children's animation. The Clark kids pursue their dog across space, who is trapped on board the ship Dogstar. Show more
Animation. The Clark kids pursue their dog across space, who is trapped on board the ship Dogstar. Show more
Animation. The Clark kids pursue their dog, trapped onboard the ship Dogstar, across space. Show more
Animation. Dogstar is a spaceship containing all of Earth's dogs, lost in the move from Old Earth to New Earth. The Clark kids must find it and bring those dogs home. Show more
Animation. The Clark kids pursue their dog across space, who is trapped onboard the ship Dogstar. Glenn, Simone and Gran discover it's not easy finding the Dogstar. Show more
Animation. The Clark kids pursue their dog across space, who is trapped on board the ship Dogstar. They crash land the Valiant on an asteroid and meet an alien. Show more