A surprise visitor from Linda's past plunges the flat into chaos, while Suze goes into labour.
Linda's old borstal warden Miss Twitch camps out in the garden with her actor boyfriend Si. Tom embarks on a career as a writer.
A fall from a bus lands Linda in hospital, where both she and Tom are consoled by hunky nurse Bart.
Could Tom's audition spell the end for the flatmates' beautiful relationship? Linda fakes a terminal illness to try to persuade him to stay.
Tom is sure his big acting break is imminent as he has an audition for a Crimewatch reconstruction. Meanwhile, Linda is convinced her neighbour Jez definitely fancies her.
Tom is laid up with a broken leg, and his home-help visitor is worrying him. Meanwhile Linda has lost her job, but is cheered up by the attentions of a courier.
Tom is getting married - to a woman! Linda is most upset so takes a stand for womankind by appearing on the Terry Clinger Show.
Tom and Linda arrive home to find a corpse in their living room. Has their landlady Beryl died, and will they be made homeless?
Tom brings home a cat that is destined for stardom, and Linda has a new lover - a serial killer serving life in prison.
It’s Tom’s thirtieth birthday, so Linda decides to throw him a surprise party - but things don't go so well when his parents turn up.
Sitcom about two flatmates and their search for the ideal man. Linda and Tom awake to find a half-naked man in their flat after a drunken night out.
The big time beckons when Tom lands a role in a play, but will Linda get her hands on Tom Cruise?
Linda finally realises her ambition to become a model, while Tom secures an audition for a West End musical. But can Tom sing - and can Linda walk in a straight line?
Linda's sister Sugar comes to stay, leading to some sibling rivalry. But Linda discovers Sugar may not be as useless as she seems.
Tom goes clubbing in order to recapture his youth, while Linda stays in so she can flirt with her neighbour Jez.
Jez and Suze practice being parents with a substitute doll, which Linda offers to babysit. Meanwhile, Tom sets up his own performing arts academy.
Tom is starring in a new sofa advert, which can only mean he is destined for stardom. Meanwhile Linda has a new job, and a new man to flirt with.
It's the much-anticipated New Year's Eve 1999, but Tom’s party doesn’t seem to have any guests, and neither of them have had any other invites
Linda and Tom have had a wild night out, and wake up next to some rather strange people. Has Linda embraced a new life, and who is the odd man with Tom?