by V. L. Allen , Ph.D. of the University of Leeds
Training for management is of growing importance to university and commerce. But who should organise it? Industry and commerce alone? Or have the universities a part to play? And if they have, are there any dangers? These are some of the questions Dr. Allen considers in his talk in which he expresses strong views about management training as a university subject.
translated by Stuart Gilbert from the novel by Albert Camus with Kenneth Haigh, Sian Phillips and Edgar Wreford
Other parts played by Madeline Blakeney and members of the BBC Drama Repertory Company
Kenneth Haigh is in 'Altona' at the Saville Theatre, London
To be repeated on July 16
See page 51
A recording of Act 4 read in French by the author: Saturday, July 1
Mace Wortihley (tenor)
Lionei) Saltier (harpedchord)
English Chamber Orchestra Leader, Emanuel Hurwita
Conducted by Brian Priestman
Concertino No. 6, in B flat attrib. Pergolesi
Five Spenser Sonnets, for tenor and string orchestra..................Rubbra
Concerto for harpsichord, string orchestra, and percussion...
Gerhard Fantasia in F minor (K.608)..Mozart