' Fifty Years in China'
Evan Morgan will draw upon a varied experience of half a century's work in the Mission Fields
Three ways of looking at it
Every cricket season revives controversy about the respective merits of one-day and three-day matches. Tonight WALTER HAMMOND , who ought to know, will defend big cricket against the charges of a well-known club cricketer, W. LOVELL HEWITT. A spectator will also give his views
WALTER GLYNNE (tenor) from the Park Pump Room,
Llandrindod Wells
' Collecting the Mail'
Twice a day the Irish Mail train, running from Holyhead to London, picks up the mail bags at various points en route. This evening listeners will hear a recording of this incident, when mail bags will be picked up and others deposited outside Bangor Station. Post Office officials will be interviewed during the actual recording of the incident