Organised by The British Legion
(Largs Branch) from Barrfields Recreation Ground,
Order of Service
Voluntary, Largo (Handel)
Hymn, Nearer, my God, to Thee
(Rv. C.H. 475)
The Lord's Prayer Silent Tribute Lesson
Hymn, Thy Kingdom come, 0 God
(Rv. C.H. 152)
Address by Colonel W. T. R. HOULDS-WORTH
, T.D., County Council Representative, Territorial Army Association of Ayrshire
Hymn, 0 God, our help in ages past
(Rv. C. H. 601)
National Anthem
Officiating Ministers
The Rev. David B. Baxter
The Rev. J. G. Grieve , Hon. Chaplain to the Forces
Praise led by Military Band, conducted by HARRY CARMICHAEL , and Massed
Choirs from Local Churches
, at 4.30