, at 2.15
Relayed from
The Buccleuch Hall
On June 4 a programme in connection with the Common-Riding and the Quater-Centenary Celebrations of the Royal Burgh of Selkirk was broadcast from the County Hotel, and again, on June 19, the speech of Lord Tweedsmuir, on the occasion of the Peebles March Riding and Beltane Queen Festival, was relayed from Neidpath Castle. Interesting as these were, listeners may expect to hear something tonight which is entirely different from any other broadcast dealing with Border Common-Ridings. ' The Muckle Toun o' the Langholm ', though not quite so big as the description suggests, is highly individualistic and there are elements in its annual celebration which are quite unparalleled. The proclamation, for example, which will be read tonight, must be one of the most curious in existence ; on the day of days (July 26) it will be read by the town crier on the back of a horse. In the procession are included certain odd emblems ; for example, a great barley bannock with a ' saut herrin' ' fixed to it with a ' twalpenny nail', ', a mighty thistle, a floral crown, and hundreds of children waving heather besoms. Tonight's broadcast is intended to give listeners everywhere an eye-witness account of what happens. Included in the programme will be Provost K. J. Bell , Cornet C. S. Paisley , local singers, and appropriate instrumental music.