on the Motion
' That a National Theatre must have a Northern Platform
Opposed by EDGAR LUSTGARTEN Chairman, L. DU GARDE PEACH at the Manchester Athenaeum Club
Part of a public debate at the Manchester Athenaum-a famous local club which celebrated its centenary last year-will be broadcast tonight. Giles Playfair, who will propose the motion, is a son of the late Nigel Playfair, and a Manchester publicity man who has been associated with various revues and Variety shows broadcast from the North recently. The motion will be opposed by another popular Northern broadcaster, Mr. Edgar Lustgarten -who, at the University, was said to have memorised all the Parliamentary speeches of the late Lord Birkenhead.
In the Chair will be that famous Derbyshire dramatist, L. du Garde
Peach who has found a platform for his own plays, at any rate, in the South as well as the North of England.