Conductor, ARTHUR ROBERTS The Liverpool Cymric Vocal Union dates back to the 'seventies of the last century. Its inception was principally due to the energy of Dr. David Williams, the choirmaster of the Welsh Baptist Chapel, Windsor Street, Liverpool. A number of young men members of his chapel used to meet in the chapel schoolroom to practisel part-singing under his leadership, and as a result their services were frequently in demand at the tea-party meetings greatly in vogue amongst the Welsh chapel communities of the day. The popularity of the scheme led in 1882 to the formation of a choir, with the tide it bears today. During the course of its long career the union has given many gratuitous concerts for the benefit of the inmates of hospitals, convalescent homes, workhouses, prisons, and other institutions. One of its former conductors was Dr. Joseph Parry, the famous composer of hymns, one of whose works-' Myfanwy '-is to be broadcast today by the choir.
Repertories -5
The York Repertory Company in excerpts from
'The Brontes' by ALFRED SANGSTER