Relayed from YORK MINSTER
Vestry Prayer
Organ Voluntary Responses
Psalms for the 18th evening First Lesson
Magnificat (Bullock in C) Second Lesson
Nunc Dimittis (Bullock in C)
Anthem, Now that the sun hath veil'd his light (Purcell)
A Programme of Gramophone Records for those who will be unable to listen to tonight's Promenade Concert
A Municipal Mockery
Councillor Joe Shufflebottom , mayor of Muggleston, proprietor of the Blue Boar
Annie Shufflebottom , his wife
Billy Dewsnap , master tailor, chairman of the Muggleston Football Club
Sam Dauber , master painter
Lemuel Rowbottom , proprietor and editor of the Muggleston Claricn
Ephraim Slack , town clerk of Muggleston
Miss Pogson, typist in the Clarion office Mr. Heavysides, chief constable of Muggleston
Sergeant Pincher, a new member of the Muggleston Police Force
Tommy Picup , Clarion reporter
Jacob Fairbrother , chairman of the Bench
Tommy Avison , clerk to the magistrates
Peter Fosbrook , solicitor
Constables Puddefoot, Tippler, and Thompson, members of the Mugglestbn Police Force
The Play produced by ROBIN WHITWORTH
(Newcastle Programme)