An eye-witness account by Henry Burrowes
The regatta at Londonderry about which Henry Burrowes is to talk to you tonight is one of the most important events in the Ulster boating year. Oarsmen from all over Northern. Ireland will be taking part; and that means a really good show because rowing is a popular sport in Ulster, there being a goodly number of rivers available for the purpose near the various centres. The Clubs represented at Derry this year will include those at Belfast, Portadown, and Carrickfergus, and among those outside Northern Ireland there will be crews from Trinity College, Dublin, and National University, Dublin.
The Derry boat club, which is the host club on the present occasion, has itself a distinguished record in the rowing world, having won the Coronation Cup in 1911 and having defeated the Australian Olympic Crew in Dublin a few years ago. One of the interesting points about this Regatta, is that the racing, over a course of one and a quarter miles, passing under the famous Craigavon bridge, is clearly visible from every standpoint on either side of the river which does help to make it exciting for the spectators as well as the participants. But if you are neither, listen tonight and see what Henry Burrowes can do for you.