A Recital by ARTHUR ROBERTS (Pianoforte)
Etude de Concert, Gnomenreigen (Concert
Study) (Dance of the Gnomes)
Chappelle de Guillaume Tell
(William Tell's Chapel),(Years of Pilgrimage, Switzerland)
Au Lac de Wallenstadt (By the Lake of Wallenstadt)(Years of Pilgrimage, Switzerland)
Eclogue(Years of Pilgrimage, Switzerland)
Valse oubliée (The forgotten Waltz), in F (Years of Pilgrimage, Italy) Sur le 123rd Sonnet de petrarque
(On the 123rd Sonnet of Petrarch)(Years of Pilgrimage, Italy)
Aux Cypres de la Villa d'Este
(By the Cypress Trees of the Villa d'Este)(Years of Pilgrimage, Italy)
Etude, Ab Irato (Years of Pilgrimage, Italy)