Relayed from
The Colston Halt, Bristol
A Bach Programme .
Passacaglia and Fugue in C minor
Choral Prelude, Von Gott will ich nicht lassen (From God I will not turn)
Andante (Trio Sonata No. 4) Magnificat Fugue
The London Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Sir Hamilton Harty : Symphony (Walton)-I. Allegro assai ; 2. Scherzo : Presto con malizia ; 3. Poco lento con malincolia; 4. Maestoso-Brioso ed ardentemente-Vivacissimo-Maestoso
Conductor, HARRY PELL
Relayed from
The Hippodrome Theatre, Birmingham
Relayed from Claridge's Hotel
Leader, Alfred Barker
Conducted by CRAWFORD McNAIR
Leader, A. Rossi
Under the direction of Emilio COLOMBO
Relayed from
The Hotel Metropole, London
A visit to the opening night of Charles B. Cochran 's new revue
' Follow the Sun '
Relayed from the Adelphi Theatre
Compere, JOHN WATT
A Cochran ' first-night ' is a social event; and all the world of celebrity and fashion will turn up at the Adelphi tonight to see the first performance in London of C. B. Cochran 's biggest and most spectacular revue. A broadcast of the arrival of celebrities is a unique experiment, and should prove a most entertaining one. The dialogue and sketches are by John Hastings Turner and Ronald Jeans , the music is by Arthur Schwartz (with the exception of a ballet based on a synopsis by Osbert Sitwell , for which William Walton has composed the music), the dances are arranged by Frederick Ashton and Buddy Bradley , and the settings and most of the costumes arc by Professor Ernst Stern.