Twenty Years of French Songs, Les Airs do
(To be given before an audience in The Concert
Hall, Broadcasting House)
Tickets may be obtained from [address removed], and the usual Agents. (Prices : 12s., 9s., 6s., 4s., 2s. 6d., including Entertainment Tax)
Fifth Concert Tonight at 9.15 TO BE GIVEN BEFORE AN AUDIENCE IN THE CONCERT HALL, BROADCASTING HOUSE A Pianoforte Recital by MYRA HESS French Suite No. 5, in G Bach i. Allemande ; 2. Courante ; 3. Sarabande ; 4. Gavotte; 5. Bourrée; 6. Loure; 7. Gigue Etudes symphoniques, Op. 13 Schumann Jeux d'eau......................... Oiseaux tristes "....) ,-..-?N[Ravel Alborada del gracioso...... /(Miroirs)J
Myra Hess, a pianist in the front rank of British artists, is bearing without other support the whole programme of this, the fifth B.B.C. Chamber Concert of the present series. Few artists, British or European, could carry the honours of the evening with better right and with more distinction. Miss Hess's début was made at Queen's Hall, under Beecham, in 1907, and from that moment it was recognised that a very fine pianist, though as yet little more than a girl, had definitely arrived. The early critics were right; she quickly took her place as a master pianist both in this country and abroad—particularly in America, where she is sure of a great welcome every time she returns there.
Myra Hess was born and musically educated in London. London has her affection, and Londoners reciprocate that feeling on every possible occasion.