Facts, skills, and ideas
6.30 Shorthand
Dictation Practice at the lower speeds:
60-90 words a minute Compiled by S. V. McNEFF
For those who want to keep up or improve their speeds in any shorthand system
Higher speeds: Thursday, 6.30
6.45 Keep up your French
15: Une soirée
Introduced in French and English by PAUL COUSTER
Produced by ELSIE FERGUSON Broadcast on June 7. 1962
7.5-7.30 India Today
Eight programmes on the background to some of the problems India faces today
1. India since 1947: the Challenge by SIR PERCIVAL GRIFFITHS K.B.E., C.I.E., I.C.S. (Retd.)
President, India, Pakistan, and Burma Association with illustrative recordings made in India during July 1963
† Produced by Gordon CROTON
This listing contains language that some may find offensive.