Introduced by BASIL Minchin
News Comment: by MARK GIBBS Living Stones: H. ANDERSON
P.S.A., F.R.I.B.A., Surveyor to the Fabric of Canterbury Cathedral, and a mason on the Cathedral permanent maintenance staff, talk to BARRY CAMPBELL about their work The Renewal of the Church:
ADRfAN CAREY visits a Roman Catholic Church in North London to see at parish level the new emphasis on the responsibility of the laity and co-operatioa with other Christians
6: In cerca di una pensione
Introduced by ARIELLA REGGIO
Produced by ELSIE FERGUSON Broadcast on February 7
Booklet details: page 20
Stronger Glass by L. H. A. PILKINGTON
We normally think of glass as weak, brittle material, but when it is newly formed, it can be very strong. How can this initial strength be maintained? Dr. Pilkington describes some new methods.
Repeated on Saturday at 10.0 a.m. (Home Services, not Welsh)