† ALEC Robertson introduces some of the music to be broadcast from the Promenade Concerts during the coming week
Rptd. Mon., 9.25 a.m. (Home)
Recorded during the International Organ Festival held in the Cathedral and Abbey Church of St. Alban, June 26-30
Personalities of Chess by HARRY GOLOMBEK
W. Winter
Chessplayers: The Public Image by D. B. PRITCHARD
Methods and Resources by GERALD ABRAHAMS
Queen against two Rooks
Position to be discussed (White to play and win): 5qlk/1RR5/32/4K3/8
† Arranged by TERENCE TILLER
A course of forty-one lessons
(For details see Tuesday at 6.40)
(For details of accompanying book and pronunciation disc, see page 44)
News of people, problems, and pleasures of special interest to blind listeners
Introduced by JOHN JARVIS