by Robert Dickinson
The Fuel Cell: electricity from gas-direct by F. T. Bacon
The achievement of British scientists and technologists in producing electrical power directly from hydrogen and oxygen has received wide publicity during past weeks. Now the engineer whose dreams of some twenty years have taken shape explains why technologists should be excited about this advance. Mr. Bacon has recently returned from the United States where he has been studying American work in the same field.
2-The Short Story
' Mateo Falcone ' by Merimee
Programmes presented by Jacques Brunius , who introduces the subject in English, comments in French and English on points of interest, and presents the chosen texts, songs, or extracts from plays and films
Devised and produced by Elsie Ferguson
Introduced by John Lade.
David Lloyd-Jones in "Building a Library" considers the available recordings of Mussorgsky's Pictures at an Exhibition.
Felix Aprahamian reviews some recent organ records.