10----,.Buying a Pair of Shoes
Lost Sleep by R. T. Wilkinson , Ph.D. of the Applied Psychology Research Unit, Cambridge
How'and why we sleep is still a mystery. One way of studying the problem is to keep people awake and record the effect on their health and behaviour. Dr. Wilkinson discusses present and future research along these lines, including a recent experiment in which subjects went without sleep for three days.
Introduced by Roy Hay
Frances Perry talks about water lilies for pools of all sizes.
Arthur Billitt, head of Lenton Experimental Station, deals with fungicides new and old.
Arranged and introduced by Bill Hartley
Six Million Motorists: An interview with some of the delegates to the Commonwealth Motoring Conference being held in London this week
Camping with a Car-3: Roy McCarthy - concludes this series with some general advice
In My Opinion: Ross Giles gives his views on the driving test
The Insurance Consultant: Check your insurance before going on holiday
The week's motoring news, and other items of topical interest
Edited by H. Saunders-Jacobs
See facing page