Consultation Match
Manchester v. Glasgow
MANCHESTERChess Club (White)
J. Wolstenholme , C. G. Hilton
C. W. Marshall , P. B. Anderson
The moves till now:
(1) P-K4, P-K4; (2) Kt-KB3, Kt-QB3; (3) B-Kt5, Kt-B3; (4) Castles, P-Q3; (5) P-Q4, B-Q2; (6) Kt-B3, B-K2; (7) R-KI, PxP; (8) KtxP. Castles; (9) B-BI, R-KI; (10) I'-QKt3, B-KBI; (11) B-Kt2, P-KKt3; (12) P-B3, B-Kt2; (13) QKt-K2, KtxKt; (14) BxKt, P-QKt4; (15) P-QB4, PxP; (16) PxP, P-QB3; (17) P-Kt4, Q-R4; (18) P-KR3, QR-Ktl; (19) R-Ktl, RxR; (20) QxR, B-K3; (21) R-Bl, Kt-Q2; (22) P-B4. BxBch.; (23) KtxB, Q-QB4; (24) Q-Q3, Kt-K4; (25) PxKt, PxP; (26) K-Kt2, PxKt; (27) R-Ktl, R-Ql; (28) R-Kt3, P-QR4; (29) P-QR4, Q-K4; (30) Q-Ktl
Listeners are advised to keep this list of moves for reference for future programmes
* * *
Theme with Variations
R. G. Wade presents a trio of miniature games
* * *
Find the Continuation
No. 17 presented by Leonard
White to play
A monthly magazine
How to Run a Film Society
PETER JOHN DYER presents the comments of members of the committees of societies at Banstead, Birmingham, Cardiff, Harlow, Tyneside, and Woking on the aims of their societies and the problem of contact between committee and members: with a summing up by Paul ROTHA.
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