Interviews and records of members of a great folk jazz band.
Introduced by Paul Oliver.
Among this week's items are:
News Comment by Mark Gibbs.
Carols for Christmas: by Gordon Reynolds, with the Choir of St. Bride's, Fleet Street.
The Ministries of Women: 3: The Church Sister
R.T. Brooks enquires about vocations for women in the Churches.
At Billingham Presbyterian Church, Co. Durham.
(The last two items are recorded)
Some common questions about insurance in the home.
Speaker, C. F. Trustam, Chairman of the British Insurance Association
(BBC recording)
Ten programmes in which leading scholars and men and women of the theatre speak about various aspects of Shakespeare's life and work, illustrated by excerpts from his plays and poems.
Scenes from King Lear
[Starring] Donald Wolfit
A speech from Hamlet
[Starring] John Humphrey
Speaker, John F. Danby, Professor of English Language and Literature, University College of North Wales, Bangor.
(BBC recording)
(Margaret Courtenay and John Humphrey broadcast by permission of the Directors of the Old Vic Trust)