A weekly series designed for enthusiasts of all ages who wish to extend their understanding and enjoyment of music
First of two illustrated talks by Alec Robertson
Introduced by Robin Holmes
WRITER TALKING: Harlow Shapley talks about his book Of Men and Stars with Patrick Moore
QUOTATION from The Naked Face of Genius. Beta Bartok's last years, by Agatha Fassett, read by Mary Wimbush
LIBRARY List: Diana Graves on some recent books
SPECIAL NOTICE: review of a new book
(The first three items are recorded)
Introduced by John Lade
Joseph Cooper considers the current recordings of Beethoven's ' Emperor ' Concerto
Edward Greenfield reviews some recent operatic records
Questions sent in by listeners are discussed by Terence Reese , Harold Franklin , a guest expert, and a listener who puts his own question
This is one of the problems:
Dealer, West: game to North-South
South West North East
? IS 2C No
What should South bid, holding
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