These programmes were originally broadcast by the British Forces Network for Forces listeners interested in brushing up their German. They take the form of dramatised excerpts from Jerome K. Jerome's book; and for this reason they differ from German programmes previously broadcast, in which the scene was set in a German-speaking country.
The three men introduce themselves to the audience, complain about their many illnesses, and decide to take a rowing holiday on the Thames.
(BBC recording)
Leider, unfortunately; die Leber, liver; beschreiben, to describe; die Symptome, symptoms; leiden an, to suffer from; der Fall, case; sehr erfreut Sie kennenzulernen, very pleased to make your acquaintance; der Anfall, attack, fit; der Schwindelanfall, attack of giddiness; die Einbildung, imagination; erzdhlen, to tell; uberzeugt, convinced; ausser, except (always governs dative); der Arzt, doctor; untersuchen, examine; das Rezept, prescription; los werden, to get rid of; die Stellung, position, post, job; alle sechs Stunden, every six hours; die Plattfusse, flat feet; aufstehen, to get up; sich hinlegen, to lie down; wenigstens, at least; was uns fehlt ist Ruhe, what we lack is rest; der Quatsch, nonsense, rubbish; im voraus bezahlen, to pay in advance; der Keks, biscuit; Fluss aufwarts-Fluss abwarts, upstream-downstream; die Landschaft, landscape; jedenfalls, anyway; Kost und Wohnung, board and lodging.