G. Sambrooke Sturgess , British representative on the rules committee of the I.Y.R.U., comments on the international regattas sailed this month in Norwegian waters under the proposed new international rules
Fred Rowbotham talks about ' real' small-boat sailing
Geoffrey Wareham , Daily Express yachting reporter, reviews Sceptre's trials
Members of the Bosham Sailing Club discuss modern trends
Introduced by Cmdr. George Villiers , R.N.
Produced by Francis Dillon
by D. B. Mclnerny a breeder of tropical fishes for thirty years
Live-bearing fish, hardy and probably the most popular species for beginners, also provide the experienced aquarist with scope in producing new hybrids.
French speakers, talking in their own language, answer listeners' questions about France and the French point of view. Difficult words, phrases, and idioms are translated, and the speakers' answers summarised in English.
Translator: Henri Appia who teaches English at the Lycee Henri IV and the Ecole Normale Superieure de St. Cloud
Chairman: Pierre Emmanuel journalist who introduces the speakers