A weekly programme about work in the world of science
The Insect Resistance Problem by Peter Winteringham , F.R.I.C. of the Pest Infestation Laboratory, Slough
Insects are the most damaging of our biological rivals. A victory over them, which at one time seemed to be almost within our grasp, is not to be won lightly because of the way in which many insects have staged a come-back by developing marked resistance to established synthetic insecticides.
This resistance, developed in the past ten years, is today the most challenging problem facing the insect researcher. The speaker discusses its implications and what is being done to overcome it.
. in the Home Service
A gardening weekly
Introduced by Roy Hay
James Bruce suggests some trees with interesting foliage for the small garden
Eric Hobbis talks about tree surgery J. McCartan gives advice on the construction of rock gardens
A weekly magazine
Arranged and introduced by Bill Hartley including:
St. John Nixon corrects some common errors in motoring history
The Insurance Consultant: The No-Claim Bonus and how you can lose it Tips on the care of your car The week's motoring news
Edited by H. Saunders-Jacobs