Miss Megan Lloyd George, M.P.
by Allan Biggs
From All Saints, Margaret Street
By Christopher Stone
Reception Test
14.30 Rural Science
Mr C.E. Hudson: The School Garden: IV: Virus and Bacterial Disease
14.55 Interval
15.00 Life and Work in the British Isles: VII: Mr George Fletcher: Ireland: Market-day in a Country Town
15.20 Interval
15.25 Friday Afternoon Story
Mr Frank Roscoe
15.40 Interval
15.45 Concert to Schools
From The Dorchester Hotel
Played by Members of the Orchestra
Mr. Arthur Osborn: 'Roses'
Mr. C.J.S. Spriggs: 'Gold and the Future of International Finance'
Dr. C. Delisle Burns, D.Litt. (Stevenson Lecturer in' Citizenship in the University 'of Glasgow): 'The Youth of Today'
(From Glasgow)
Dr. Delisle Burns continues his twelve-talk review of the social changes of the last three decades with an account of the differences between the young of today and their parents thirty years ago. Last week he talked about the new spirit symbolized by the 'Scout' and 'Guide' movement for boys and girls, a movement which is independent of the older educational movements. There is a similar spirit abroad amongst the young men and women of today. 'Youth Movements' exist in many countries, consciously and elaborately organized attempts of the young to secure a greater naturalness and freedom for themselves. These organizations do hot exist in every country: there is no international movement like the Scouts and Guides. But the same spirit is abroad in young people of every country, 'young' meaning, say, 'between the ages of eighteen and twenty-five.' The young today are making their own experiments and not taking the authority of their elders for granted. Dr. Delisle Burns will describe the various Youth Movements and consider the question as a whole, and will deal sensibly with the phrase 'revolt of youth,' about which so much nonsense has been talked.
A Radio Play in Six Scenes by Louis Goodrich
Weather Forecast, Second General News Bulletin
Conducted by Charles Leggett
Phyllis Scott and John Rorke in Old Time Songs and Duets
Phyllis Scott at the Piano
The Savoy Hotel Orpheans, from the Savoy Hotel