1957 comedy
1999 spoof classical music show
1987 comedy (6/8)
2003 comedy (4/6)
as 3pm
as 9pm
as 9.15pm
1957 comedy
1978 comedy sketches
as 8pm
as 8.30pm
Painter Stanley Spencer's home in Cookham, Berkshire (3/5)
Sian Phillips reads from Mary Wesley's novel (3/10)
Alan Bennett reads from his personal account of Yorkshire family life (3/5)
Adaptation by Mike Walker and Marcy Kahan of Tolstoy's 1869 novel (8/10)
Stories, poems and songs
1987 comedy (6/8)
2003 comedy (4/6)
Third work in Charles Chilton's sci-fi trilogy (13/20)
Wally K Daly supernatural mystery, from 2005 (3/5)
1957 comedy
1978 comedy sketches
Arthur Conan Doyle's 1922 mystery starring Carleton Hobbs as Sherlock Holmes, first aired in 1962
Nicholas Boulton reads Katherine Cecil Thurston's political thriller about an MP's change of identity (3/5)
Christine de Pizan 's medieval allegorical fantasy (3/5)
Peter Tinniswood 's monologue written for Maurice Denham , to celebrate the actor's 60 years in broadcasting
1999 spoof classical music show
2001 comedy (3/6)
Comedy with Sean Hughes
Roger McGough offers poetic reflections on missed opportunities and the suffering of the artist