1966 camp comedy
1998 comedy
Comedy (6/6)
as 3pm
as 9pm
as 9.15pm
1966 camp comedy
as 8pm
Arthur Conan Doyle mystery with Clive Merrison
By Jonathan Bardon (89/120)
Lynne Truss explores the changing nature of punctuation (5/5)
Alan Bennett's memoirs (10/10)
Kenneth Grahame's tale set in rural England, read by Alan Bennett (10/10)
Adaptation of Leo Tolstoy's 1869 novel, starring Leo McKern (5/10)
Stories, poems and songs
Comedy (6/6)
1995 spoof with Patrick Barlow (6/6)
Third work in Charles Chilton's sci-fi trilogy (10/20)
AS Byatt's gothic tale (3/3)
1966 camp comedy
1984 comedy
Arthur Conan Doyle's mystery starring Carleton Hobbs as Sherlock Holmes, first aired in 1967
Arthur Conan Doyle mystery, with Clive Merrison
Dave Sheasby's drama with Denys Hawthorne (5/5)
David Napthine crime drama starring Jeremy Swift
1998 comedy
2007 comedy sketches
Comedy starring Steve Delaney (5/6)
2002 comedy with Chris Douglas (3/4)