(to 11.00)
Myra Evans: Y Gwcw Yn Nyth Sion Llwydy-Baw
(The Cuckoo in the Hedge-Sparrow's Nest)
(From Swansea)
by Stephen King Hall
(Daventry National Programme)
or 'Cashiered for His Country'
An Unlikely Tale of the Crimean War
Set to music by Walter Leigh
The book by V.C. Clinton-Baddeley and Scobie MacKenzie
The lyrics by V.C. Clinton-Baddeley
Characters in the order of their appearance:
Aunt Adelaide; Miss de Lacy; Millicent Blazes; General Sir Joshua Blazes; The Prime Minister; Launcelot Brown; Captain Rudolph de Vavasour
The Wireless Chorus and the B.B.C. Theatre Orchestra
Conducted by Leslie Woodgate
Act I. The General's house in London
Act II. The garden of the General's country house
(Daventry National Programme)
Mr. Gerald Barry
(Daventry National Programme)
by Elsa Karen (Pianoforte)
(Daventry National Programme)
Danseuses de Delphes (Dancers of Delphi)
Voiles (Veils)
La Fille aux cheveux de lin (The Girl with the flaxen Hair)
Ce qu'a vu le vent d'Ouest (What the West Wind saw) from Preludes Book
Relayed from The Royal Opera House, Covent Garden
Scene I. A wooded place on the Rhine
Scene II. Gunther's Hall
(Daventry National Programme)
(to 23.20)