Relayed from Bristol Cathedral
The Y.M.C.A. Brotherhood Choir and Orchestra
Order of Service:
Processional Hymn, 'Praise to the Holiest in the Height' (A. and M., No. 172)
The Lord's Prayer
Psalm No. 136, 'O give thanks unto the Lord'
First Lesson: I Maccabees ii, 50-64 (Captain R. A. Norman, Secretary, Western Division, Y.M.C.A.)
Second Lesson: Jude xvii to the end (The Rev. Canon Fletcher, D.D., Canon in Residence)
Nunc Dimittis
The Creed, Versicles, Prayers
Sermon: The Rt. Rev. the Lord Bishop of Bristol
Hymn, 'Thou Whose Almighty Word' (A. and M., No. 360)