from the Carlton Restaurant.
(to 13.30)
Mr. Glyn Eastman
3.40 Orchestra
Mrs. D. Portway Dobson
5.00 Orchestra
Miss Esylt Newbery
Relayed from the Central Hall, Newport.
Conducted by Gibson Young
Soloists: Caroline Hatchard (Soprano); Eric Godley (Baritone)
A Comedy by Hilda P. K. Chamberlain.
In the setting of a modern business office with its usual appurtenances, including a somewhat conspicuous clock, a mild complication is played to an amusing finish.
The diplomacy which involves Guy Weatherby, Jim McGregor, a girl and a man, up to the moment of humorous climax, will provide listeners with a good thirty minutes' chuckle.
(9.10 Local News)
In a Red Indian Song Recital
(to 0.00)