: A Fairy Story by Gladys Colbourne. Irish Songs by Harold Casey (Baritone). ' The Fairy Godmother's Adventure '
Conducted by Paul Rimmer
HIGH in the esteem of all who love Irish songs stands Tom Moore , who by frequently writing his poems to traditional airs, did much to keep the melodies in circulation among the people. -
Everyone knows The Minstrel Boy, that song of burning patriotism. Believe Me is another favourite, though the words are perhaps less well known to most of us : —
Believe me, if all those endearing young charms,
Which I gaze on so fondly to-day.
Were to change by to-morrow, and fleet in my arms.
Like fairy-gifts fading away.
Thou wouldst still be adored, as this moment thou art,
Lot thy loveliness fade as it will.....
... the heart that has truly loved never forgets,
But as truly loves on to the close ;
As the sun-flower turns on her god, when he sets,
The same look which she turned when he rose.