(leader, Frank Cantell)
H.G.Sear: Muscial Talk, "Homage," with illustrations by Nigel Dallaway
conducted by Paul Rimmer
Prof. H.H. Swinnerton S.B. from London
interpreted by Charles Kelly
(4) Some features of Railway Engineering, Mr. R. Vernon Brook A.M.I.E.E
Act II as played at Covent Garden, S.B. from London
5IT Male Voice Quartet (Messrs. Hubert Barrington, Ernest Smith, Harold Howes, Williams Bonsell). "Mrs Cosy's Boarding House" (Macy), "They Kissed. I Saw Them Do It" (Hawley), "The Goslings" (Bridge), "Little Billie" (Boughton), "In Vocal Combat" (Buck), "A Franklynne's Dogge" (Mackenzie
Ethel Walker (lecturer and solo pianoforte); a short outline of the Life of Brahms, followed by Rhapsody in B Minor Op. 79. Alice Vaughan (contralto), "May Night," "The Forge," "Sapphie Ode": Ethel Walker, Intermezzo in C, Op. 119. Capriccio in B Minor. Op. 76. Ballade in G Minor. Op. 118; Alice Vaughan, "In Summer Fields," "True Love," "Lullaby"; Ethel Walker, Waltzes. Op. 39. Nos. 1, 5, 15 and 6. Rhapsody in G Minor, Op.79