Mr. J. E. PHYTHIAN , The Story of Buildings—
III, Mountainous Little Greece'
(Picture on page 252.)
: Nursery Rhymes
(Maynard Grover). Monday's Child is Fair of Face; Ladybird ; Merry arc the Bells ; Over the water to Charlie. Sung by Betty Wheatley. Some Wise Sayings (Hancock). When the Wind is in the East; Where there is a Will; You never know your luck; Give a dog a bad name Sung by Harry Hopewell. Over the Hills (James Ching). March Winds; Caravans ; Sheep Bells. Played by Eric Fogg
SIXTY years ago to-day, the State of Paraguay, in South America, enrolled an armed regiment of four thousand women to carry on their long war against the Argentine. In fact, Paraguay decided to ' Leave it to the Ladies.' Tonight the Manchester Station is going to do the same thing.
At the Piano, DORA C. GILSON
Entertainer at the Piano