by The Lady Mayoress of Manchester (Mrs. F. MADDRELL ). (Donations should bo sent to [address removed])
Sullivan was born on this day in 1842
Conducted by T. H. MORRISO
Overture, 'In Memoriam'
Suite from 'The Merchant of Venice'
THE Overture was inspired by the death of Sullivan's father, in 1866. It opens 'At a steady pace, with religious feeling.' A simple tune is given out by a Woodwind quartet, Oboe playing the tune. This is well known as a hymn-tune. After this has been repeated, there immediately follows the main body of the piece, marked ' Very quick.' This is very dramatic music. Many distinctive tunes are introduced, and treated with great variety. The prevailing mood is forceful.
The Overture ends with the hymn-tune melody, played by the whole Orchestra and full Organ, a great triumphal hymn.
Sullivan's stage music was not confined to
Comic Operas. Ho tried his hand at more serious Opera, and also wrote incidental music to several of Shakespeare's plays, putting into this much excellent craftsmanship.
The music for The Merchant of Venice was written in 1873. There are in the usual selection from it, five pieces : (I) Introduction ; (2) Barcarolle (Serenade) ; (3) Introduction and Bourne; (4) Grotesque Dance and (5) Waltz.
FREDERICK STEGER (Tenor) Once Again Golden Days
Wake, gentle Maiden
Incidental Music to 'Henry VIII.'
SULLIVAN wrote some incidental music for a a production of Shakespeare's Henry VIII in Manchester about fifty years ago, and it immediately became very popular. The four items that make up the set are a March, a song for King Henry ('Youth will needs have dalliance'), the Graceful Dance that was once very frequently heard at the Proms., and elsewhere, and the Water Music.
My Dear and Only Love -
How many hired servants (from 'The Prodigal Son')
Love laid his sleepless head
Suite from 'Macbeth'
The incidental music to Macbeth was written for Irving's 1888 revival of Shakespeare's play.