Overture to Mireille ...... Gounod
Waltz, Morning Journals ...... Strauss
Selection from The Prodigal Child ...... Wormser
Selection from The Little Michus ...... Messager
Relayed from the Golf Hotel, Grange-over-Sands
A talk by Mr G.H. Pattinson (Vice-Chairman of the Westmorland County Council and ex-High Sheriff)
by The Station Quartet
by The Station Quartet
Mr Moses Baritz
Mr. H. Gerrard
Arranged by the Cumberland and Westmorland Association of Manchester, and announced by the Rev. J.G. Deighton, the Manchester President.
John E. James, Cumberland's own Comedian, in selections from his repertoire
F. Dickson (Solo Violin) Selected numbers
John E. James: More selections from his repertoire
F. Dickson: Selected numbers
(10.30 Local Announcements)
A Programme by The Station Orchestra
(10.30 Local Announcements)