EDA BENNIE (Soprano)
THE first song is sung by Lionel, who has lost his love ' Martha (really Lady Harriet Durham in disguise)., He tells of his sorrow at parting from her, and conjures her not to leave him in despair.
DON CÆSAR DE BAZAN, to escape hanging, has married a veiled lady whom lie does not know. After the ceremony she has gone away. Ho is. searching for her, but she eludes him. Such,' he muses, ' is the promised but fading happiness of the profligate when nothing remains to him but the sad memory of the past.' Then ho puts these sentiments into the song, ' There is a flow'r that bloometh.'
Conducted by the Rev. A. R. BROWNE. WIL
KINSON, of St. Christopher's College
S.B. from Bournemouth
A Play in Verse by JOHN MASEFIELD
Songs and Incidental Music by G. O'CONNOR
S.B..from Glasgow
Pontius Pilate (Procurator of Judea)
Procula (his wife)
Longinus (a Centurion)
A Jew (Leader of the Rabble)
A Madman, a Sentry, Joseph of Ramah,
Herod, Soldiers, Servants,the Jewish Rabble, Loiterers, Idlers
All action takes place in the Paved
Court outside the Roman Citadel in Jerusalem. Steps lead up to a semi-circular stone platform on to which two weathered bronze gates, set in a sheer wall, open outwards. The platform is flanked by parapets overlooking the city.
A Special Service
Relayed from St. Ann's Church, Manchester
Conducted by the Rev. F. PATON-WILLIAMS
S.B. from Manchester
Organ Voluntary:
Heading. The Man of Sorrows' (Isaiah, liii)
Hymn, ' Sweet the moments, rich in blessing '
(A. and M., No. 109)
The Upper Room
Tho Hall of Judgment
Hymn. ' 0 Sacred Head ' (A. and M., No. Ill)
Tho Cross on the Hill Hymn , ' When I survey ' (A. and M., No. 108)
The Crowd beneath the Cross
The Tomb in the Garden
Hymn, '.Tesu, Lover of my soul' (A. and M.,
No. 193)
Relayed from the Queen's Hall
Parsifal Music - Wagner
Conducted by Sir HENRY WOOD
Preludo to Act I
Klingsor's Magic Garden and Flower-Maidens'
Scene from Act II
DAKSIFAL, Wagner's last work, was called by its composer a 'Sacred Festival Drama.' In it, he treats of that legendary] relic of the Eucharist, the Holy Grail. The life of the Knights of the Grail is brought before us. Amfortas, the guardian of the holy vessel, has sinned, and has brought distress upon himself and his companions. Blessing comes to them again through Parsifal, the innocent youth who resists temptation.
The Prelude, from its first bars, invokes the emotional atmosphere of the whole drama. In particular, we hear in it much of the music that is associated with the Grail itself, and with the sufferings and heroism of the knights.
An evil magician, Klingsor, angry at his exclusion from the sacred Knighthood, has created an enchanted castle and garden. Here, with the help of Kundry, a beautiful woman, and her attendant Flower Maidens, he tempt the Knights. Parsifal is led there, and in this scene we hear their seductive music.
Kundry's Song, 'Herzeleide' (Heart of Sorrow, from Act II)
After the temptations of the Flower Maidens have failed to move Parsifal, Kundry appears, bewitchingly beautiful. She sends away the maidens, and tells the youth many things that she has long waited to impart-that he was named Parsifal, ' the foolish pure one.' by his father King Gamurot, who died when his son was a babe. She goes on to describe the loving care of his mother Herzeleide, who, bereft of her husband, jealously shielded her son, and kept him in innocence. When he went away, and did not return, sorrow killed her.
Prelude to Act III
PARSIFAL has wandered far, seeking the home of the Grail. Sadness and hopelessness have come upon the Knights meanwhile, and the Prelude depicts their dispirited mood.
As the concert version of the Prelude continues into the opening of the stage scene, we have a hint of the coming of Spring.
Good Friday Music
PARSIFAL has returned, victorious over temptations. With him is a veteran knight, Gurnemanz. These two gaze upon the loveliness of Nature aglow in the spring sunshine, and muse on the redemption of all creation.
HERBERT HEYNER and Orchestra
Amfortas' Prayer (from Act III)
A MFORTAS, wounded by Klingsor with the A Sacred Spear, will not unveil the Grail, for he deems himself the most unworthy of men.' He cries out in anguish, for no relief comes to him, either for body or soul. He calls upon his dead father, ' most pure one,' to beg Heaven for some relief for his pain.
Interlude and Closing Scene
IN the last scene of the drama Parsifal returns to the home of the Grail, and touches Amfortas' wound with the Sacred Spear. It is at once healed and Amfortas is whole again. Parsifal uncovers the Grail, which glows with holy light.
The Knights and choirs of the Temple join in praise. The White Dove of the Grail. emblem of the Holy Spirit, descends and hovers over it, and the great Sacred Festival Drama is over.