Restaurant Luncheon Music.
Miss Ethel Home on "Music."
" by Ann Spice.
Organ and Orchestral Music, relayed from Shepherd's Bush Pavilion. " The Secret of the Summer Salad." hv Dr. Josiali Oldfield.
.. S.B. to all Stations.
JOHN STRACHEY, Literary Criticism.
S.B. to all Sfations.
S.B. to all Stations.
by Mrs. ISABEL CRESSWELL. S.B. to other
(For particulars see centre column.)
. S.B. to all Stations.
Mr. A. LLOYD JAMES , "Consonant
Sounds." S.B. to all Stations.
Local News.
and THE SAVOY HAVANA BAND. Relayed from the Savoy Hotel, London. S.B. to all Stations.