By the Royal Choral Society.
Relayed from the Royal Albert Hall.
(Megan Foster, Olga Haley, Parry Jones, Peter Dawson.)
Conductor, H.A. Balfour.
by (Miss) Arnot Robertson. '' Ancient Graces " (3). by Dorothy Munro.
E. Le Breton Martin. The Wicked Uncle. "The Angel Artist," from "Animal Legends from Many Lands," by Rose Yeatman Woolf. Children's News.
No. 6: Col. A. Hacking, D.S.O.. M.C.. Sec. S.M.M. and T., "What Motoring Costs."
S.B. to all Stations.
Mrs. Philip Snowden on "The Up-building of Palestine."
S.B. to Cardiff.
Local News.
Grace Ivell and Vivian Worth (Comedy Duets).
Arnold Beauvais (Bass).
R.I. Stephenson (Entertainer).
The Wireless Orchestra.
Conducted by Dan Godfrey, Junr.
The Orchestra
S.B. to all Stations.
Mr. HARRY E. HASLAM. " Hockey
Topics." S.B. to all Stations.
Local News.
relayed from the Savoy Hotel, London. S.B. to all Stations.