The 2LO Trio and Madame Mary Gillman (Mezzo-Soprano)
(to 14.00)
"Books Worth Reading," by Jenny Wren.
Organ and Orchestral Music relayed from Shepherd's Bush Pavilion.
"Punting-How Not to Do It," by Arnot Robertson.
(to 17.00)
"The Golden Goose" (Grimm) told by Harcourt Williams.
"The Merchant Adventurers and their Ships," by W.J. Bassett-Lowke.
(to 18.55)
S.B. to all Stations.
French Talk
under the auspices of L'Institut Francais, "La Douane."
S.B. to all Stations.
Local News
by The Band of H.M. Royal Air Force
By permission of the Air Council.
Director of Music: Flight-Lieut. J. Amers
Artistes: Jack Rickards and Violet Stevens: "The Scandalmongers."
The Band
The Royal Air Force March.
The Band
by the Hon. Peter C. Larkin, High Commissioner for Canada, H.R.H. The Prince of Wales, The Rt. Hon. J.H. Thomas, M.P., Secretary of State for the Colonies, and others, delivered on the occasion of the Dominion Day Dinner at the Hotel Cecil.
S.B. to all Stations.
S.B. to all Stations.
Local News
played by the British National Opera Company, relayed from His Majesty's Theatre, London.
S.B. to all Stations.