(to 15.45)
The 2LO Trio and John Turner (Tenor).
(to 17.00)
Miss Nobody Special. L.G.M. of the Daily Mail. Auntie Hilda at the Piano.
(to 18.55)
S.B. to all Stations.
Talk by the Radio Society of Great Britain.
S.B. to all Stations.
Mr. Philip Coote on "The Malay Peninsula." [NB listed as "The Malay Peninsular" in error]
S.B. to other Stations.
Local News
All Stations Programme (except Manchester and Belfast)
Relayed from London
A Romantic Light Opera in Two Acts
Book by F.R. Bell
Lyrics by Harold Ellis
Music by W.H. Bullock
Act I. Before the Terrace at Lovel Court, nr. York. A May afternoon, 1720.
Act II. Outside the "Lovel Arms."
Scene 1 - The same evening.
Scene 2 - Early next morning.
(For particulars see centre column.)
S.B. to all Stations.
Professor Winifred C. Cullis, O.B.E., D.Sc.: "A Story of Three Pioneers."
Local News