Caprice (Chinois-Kreiseler), Rondino (Beethoven-Kreisler). Miss Winifred Smith and Miss Winfred Allan: Slow-Movement from Double Concerto (Bach)
"Shells" (Douglas Stewart), "The Morning Moon" (Douglas Stewart, "The West Wind" (Douglas Stewart)
Moreske (Rachmaninoff), Novelette No. 3 (Schumann), "A Capriccio" Rondo (Beethoven)
"Quartet in E Flat" (Haydn)
This listing contains language that some may find offensive.
Slow Movement from Sonata (Rubenstein), Allegretto (Wolstenholme). The Winifred Smith Quartette: Two Movements from Biscay Quartette (McEwen). Mr Patrick Byrne, Baritone, "Passing By" (Purcell), "The Requiem" (Sydney Homer), "Linden Lea" (Vaughan Williams), "The Roadside Fire" (Vaughan Williams)
"Quartet in A Minor" (Schubert), "Andante Con Moto"