15:30A Short Religious Service.2BE Belfast Thu 10th May 1928, 15:30 on 2BE BelfastView in Radio Times Source: Radio Times
15:45Sinigaglia's Music. Station Orchestra.2BE Belfast Thu 10th May 1928, 15:45 on 2BE BelfastView in Radio Times Source: Radio Times
16:15A Harp Interlude by Pauline Barker.2BE Belfast Thu 10th May 1928, 16:15 on 2BE BelfastView in Radio Times Source: Radio Times
16:27Geoffrey liairod (Tenor).2BE Belfast Thu 10th May 1928, 16:27 on 2BE BelfastView in Radio Times Source: Radio Times
16:39Saint-Saëns. Orchestra.2BE Belfast Thu 10th May 1928, 16:39 on 2BE BelfastView in Radio Times Source: Radio Times
17:00lr. William Moore, ' Some Present-day Belfast Authors.'2BE Belfast Thu 10th May 1928, 17:00 on 2BE BelfastView in Radio Times Source: Radio Times
17:15Children's Hour2BE Belfast Thu 10th May 1928, 17:15 on 2BE BelfastView in Radio Times Source: Radio Times
18:00London Programme relayed from Daventry2BE Belfast Thu 10th May 1928, 18:00 on 2BE BelfastView in Radio Times Source: Radio Times
18:30S.B. from London2BE Belfast Thu 10th May 1928, 18:30 on 2BE BelfastView in Radio Times Source: Radio Times
18:45Appeal on behalf of the National Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children (Northern Ireland Branch) by Viscountess. Craigavon.2BE Belfast Thu 10th May 1928, 18:45 on 2BE BelfastView in Radio Times Source: Radio Times
18:50Musical Interlude.2BE Belfast Thu 10th May 1928, 18:50 on 2BE BelfastView in Radio Timesapp. Source: Radio Times
19:00S.B. from London2BE Belfast Thu 10th May 1928, 19:00 on 2BE BelfastView in Radio Times Source: Radio Times
19:45Concert Music. Station Orchestra : Six English Tunes from the Sixteenth and Early Seventeenth Centuries, for three Violins, Viola, and 'Cello (transcribed by Peter Warlock).2BE Belfast Thu 10th May 1928, 19:45 on 2BE BelfastView in Radio Times Source: Radio Times
19:55Adolf Borschkc (Pianoforte): Toccata and Fugue (Bach-Tausig) ; Lhargetto (Mozart); Nocturne and Polonaise in A Flat (Chopin).2BE Belfast Thu 10th May 1928, 19:55 on 2BE BelfastView in Radio Times Source: Radio Times
20:10Muriel Childe (Contralto), with Orchestra : Prepare thyself, Zion (from Christmas Oratorio ') and To Living Waters, from ' The Lord is my Shepherd (Bach).2BE Belfast Thu 10th May 1928, 20:10 on 2BE BelfastView in Radio Times Source: Radio Times
20:22Orchestra : ' Wachet auf,' No. 4 of Church Cantata 160. ' Sleepers, Wake' (Bach).2BE Belfast Thu 10th May 1928, 20:22 on 2BE BelfastView in Radio Times Source: Radio Times
20:28Adolf Borschke : Movements from Fifth Concerto for Pianoforte and Orchestra (Saint-Saens).2BE Belfast Thu 10th May 1928, 20:28 on 2BE BelfastView in Radio Times Source: Radio Times
20:40Muriel Childe, with Orchestra : Into Thy Hands and My Heart Ever Faithful (Bach).2BE Belfast Thu 10th May 1928, 20:40 on 2BE BelfastView in Radio Times Source: Radio Times
20:50Orchestra : Suite,' Dramatic. Music ' (Purcell-Coates).2BE Belfast Thu 10th May 1928, 20:50 on 2BE BelfastView in Radio Times Source: Radio Times
21:00S.B. from London2BE Belfast Thu 10th May 1928, 21:00 on 2BE BelfastView in Radio Times Source: Radio Times