Ernie Mason and his Grand Central Band, relayed from the Grand Central Hotel
Doris Bates (Violin); Camdus Taylor (Violoncello); and May Johnson (Pianoforte). Phantasy for Violin, Violoncello, and Pianoforte (F. Bridge)
Sweet Melodies, In Summer Fields, The Vain Suit, and I dreamed at Night (Brahms); Forgetfulness (Hildaeh).
Whither? The Sea, and The Trout (Schubert); Devotion and Dream in the Twilight (Strauss)
(9.30 Regional News)
Olive Groves and Harold Kimberley. The Station Chorus and Orchestra, conducted by Harold Lowe.
Orchestra: Selection, 'The Artist's Model' (Jones). Olive Groves and Harold Kimberley in Songs and Duets from Daly's Musical