Mme. Jeanne
Hancock, " Glimpses of French
Life-(1) The French hold."
Directed by ALEX. MADISKY.
S.B. from London.
" Scottish Literature Sir Walter Scott." S.B. from Dundee.
MR. CHARLES DAVIDSON, lecturer in Spanish at Aberdeen University, is already well-known to listeners by his talks from the Aberdeen Station. His latest series are being given under the title of "True Travellers' Tales." On Monday night he is to appear in a new role as the philosopher, guide, and friend to the party of happy and care-free people who are to occupy the Studio in "A Gather Round." Mr. Davidson is ostensibly there to look after these people and keep them in order, but we rather suspect he will be foremost in the funmaking.
Fiction Series:
Mr. COSMO HAMILTON. S.B. from London.
Local News.