with 'David'
Julie Brooks
The Silver Stars
Conductor, Hubert C. WilUama and the Leonard Morris Trio
Introduced by John Darran
Programme arranged and conducted by Rae Jenkins
played by Toralf Tollefsen on gramophone records
Written by Geoffrey Webb and Edward J. Mason.
A story of country folk.
Franklin Engelmann is the chairman of this general knowledge contest in which listeners from all over the British Isles compete for the title "Brain of Britain 1958".
David Keys (Berkshire)
Peter Barker (Wiltshire)
Edgar Millward (Dorset)
The programme also includes: "What Do You Want to Know?"
This week: David Stone on "The Changing of the Guard".
(Last Thursday's recorded broadcast)
Wilfred Pickles in Have a Go! visits Stornoway in the Outer Hebrides with Mabel at 'The Table' and Harry Hudson at the piano
from Caterham Congregational Church, Surrey; conducted by the Rev. Stuart B. Jackman
' Across the Frontier'
4— ' Though we dde in the attempt'
Reader, Leslie Scotford
Some news of current programmes
For Service men and women stationed abroad and their families at home
Presented from London and Cologne by Patricia Hughes and Bill Crozier
Laugh with the Cotton Boys
Alan Breeze, Kathie Kay with The Bandits and Mr. Wakey-Wakey (himself)
Script by Eddie Gurney and Arthur Pastor
Production by Glyn Jones
13—' For Love or Money ' with Barbara Lyon , Richard Lyon
Molly Weir , Doris Rogers
Christina Horniman
Wilfred Babbage
Michael Anthony
BBC Variety Orchestra (Leader, John Jezard )
Conductor, Paul Fenoulhet
Written by Bob Block
Ronnie Hanbury and Bebe Daniels
Production by Tom Ronald
with Deryck Guyler
Mary Law , Bill Pertwee
Jimmy Lavall
Script written by Bernard Botting and Charles Hart
Produced by Leslie Bridgmont
A sound approach to the cinema
Introduced by Peter Haigh
Pocket Edition of Gideon's Day' starring
Jack Hawkins and Dianne Foster
Adaptation by Roy Bradford
Around the British Studios with Peter Noble
(Continued in next column)
Sounds Familiar
A short quiz to test your know-how of current and not-so-current movies
Presented by Desmond Carrington and Spencer Hale
A Few Words From
Nigel Patrick
Highlights from
' The Duke Wore Jeans ' starring Tommy Steele
June Laverick , Michael Medwin
Script by Trafford Whitelock
Edited and produced' by Alfred Dunning
with his Tango Orchestra
Maria Perilli and The Novelairs
Directed by Edward Rubach
' Find the Lady '
Devised by James Dufour and presented by Brian Matthew
Programme introduced by Douglas Smith
Produced by Travers Thorneloe
by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Dramatised as a radio serial in six parts by Felix Felton
[Starring] Norman Shelley
with a BBC Outside Recording Unit He recently visited Pontypool to meet local people who talked about their lives and jobs and chose their favourite music
Produced by Phyllis Robinson
A song-a-minute sequence of popular melodies old and new sung by Benny Lee
Julie Dawn
Franklyn Boyd
Jean Campbell
The Five Sharps with The Steve Race Four andHarold Smart
Compiled and produced by Johnnie Stewart
A personal request programme
with Wallas Eaton
The Keynotes
Billy Ternent introduces his orchestra and singers
Community hymn-singing in the Parish Church of Holy Trinity, Kingston upon Hull, by the combined choirs of Anglican and Free churches of the city, under the direction of Peter Goodman
Organist, R. A. Styles
Hymns introduced by Randal Herley 0 worship the King (Tune. Hanover) The God of love my shepherd is
(Tune. University)
When all thy mercies (Tune, Contemplation)
Be thou my guardian (Tune. Abridge) 0 sacred Head! sore wounded (Tune,
Passion Chorale)
This joyful Eastertide (Tune, Vruechten)
Lead, kindly light (Tune. Alberta)
For all the saints (Tune. Sine
Tony Fayne and David Evans
Dennis Price
Daniel Wayenberg Kenneth Williams
The Kaye Sisters
Patricia Clark
The trumpeters of the Royal
Military School of Music
(by permission of the Commandant) under the direction of Lt.-Col. David McBain , A.R.C.M.
On the Stairway to the Stars
Clinton Forde
BBC Variety Orchestra
Conductor, Paul Fenoulhet
Script written by Gene Crowley
Produced by John Simmonds
introducing old ones. new ones loved ones, neglected ones by Semprini at the piano featuring his own arrangements for piano and orchestra
BBC Revue Orchestra
Conductor, Harry Rabinowitz Produced by Jacques Brown
Including a review of the current best-selling popular records as well as some of the very latest issues
Produced by Derek Chinnery
A late evening entertainment at the piano
Christian words and music
followed by Shipping Forecast on 1,500 m. only