Light Orchestra
Conductor, David Curry
BBC Midland Light Orchestra
Conductor, Gerald Gentry
The Edward Rubach Quintet
News Summary at 7.30 and 8.30
Introduced by Peter West
News Summary at 9.30
A story, a hymn, and a prayer
Directed by Ronald Hanmer
Lou Preager and his Orchestra
' Stonecrop '
Written and read by Robert Bateman
Script by Lesley Wilson
at the BBC theatre organ
Requests from overseas listeners played by Victor Silvester and his Ballroom Orchestra
Introduced by Victor Silvester
(A production by the BBC's General Overseas Service)
Ann Loraine
Eddie Molloy
Bobby Bent
Lynn Hughes
Sidney Burchall
Palace of Varieties Chorus
Chairman, Rob Currie
Presented by C. F. Meehan in collaboration with Ernest Longstaffe who also conducts the BBC Variety Orchestra (Leader, John Jezard )
The swinging melody of Tommy Watt with Margaret Bond , Matt Monro
Tubby the Tenor
The Slidemen and Tommy Watt and his Orchestra Introduced by Bruce Wyndham
Produced by John Hooper
(Tommy Wan is appearing at Quaglino's Restaurant, London)
News Summary at 1.30
Shipping Forecast at 1.40 on 1,500 m.
A programme for children under five
Today's story: ' The Bicycle, the Tricycle, and the Little Red Scooter ' by Cynthia M. Anderson , told by Julia Lang
Guest of the Week: Miss E. C. Bather , O.B.E., Chief Superintendent, Women Police
The Englishwoman's House: a series in which Dr. W. G. Hoskins describes the development of the ordinary English house. I-The ground floor
Housewives' Book Choice: Muriel Dole and Elizabeth Berridge recommend some recent books
' Someone I didn't marry': Richard Gordon , Athene Seyler , John Metcalf , and Ba Mason remember and reflect. (BBC recording)
' The Jungle Was Our Home' by Joan Gerstad
Abridged by Honor Wyatt
Read by Mary Wimbush
The third of twelve instalments
Programme introduced by Marjorie Anderson
News Summary at 2.30
with twenty-one instruments:
The Neville Hughes Septet
Produced by John Hooper
News Summary at 3.30
BBC Scottish Variety Orchestra
(Leader, Jack Nugent )
Conductor, Jack Leon
Mrs. Dale, the doctor's wife, records the daily happenings in the life of her family
Script by Lesley Wilson
Max Jaffa and his Orchestra and Bernard Monshin and his Rio Tango Band
with Rose Brennan , Larry Gretton and Ross MacManus
Introduced by Peter King
Produced by John Kingdon
News Summary at 6.30
Written by Geoffrey Webb and Edward J. Mason.
A story of country folk.
with Dick Emery
Pearl Carr
Ronald Chesney
BBC Variety Orchestra (Leader, John Jezard )
Conductor, Paul Fenoulhet
Script by Ronald Wolfe ,
George Wadmore and David Climle
Produced by Jacques Brown
Repeated on Sunday at 1.45 p.m.
A serial in six episodes
Adapted from his novel by Selwyn Jepson
Other parts played by members of the BBC Drama Repertory Company Produced by Patrick Dromgoole
Tunes you have asked us to play including some records chosen by Service men and women overseas
Presented by Marjorie Anderson
with Wallas Eaton
The Keynotes
BBC Revue Orchestra
(Leader. Antony Gilbert )
Conductor, Harry Rabinowitz
Script by Frank Muir and Denis Norden
Produced by Charles Maxwell
A late evening setting for romance featuring
Eric Jupp and his Orchestra with Bill Povey , Jock Bain and Stan Roderick
Produced by John Browell
The Start
See top of page
(The broadcasts from France made in co-operation with Radiodiffusion-Télévision-Française)
Modern music designed for late listening played by the Johnny Dankworth Orchestra with songs in the individual style of Cleo Laine and featuring
The Dave Lee Trio
The Laurie Monk Quartet
The Dickie Hawdon Quintet and The Johnny Dankworth Seven
Produced by Jimmy Grant
Fireside music played by William Davies at the BBC theatre organ with Reginald Leopold and John Hauxvell
Introduced by Joy Worth Produced by Alan Owen
followed by Shipping Forecast on 1,500 m. only