Introduced by Eamonn Andrews
A story, a hymn, and a prayer
at the organ of the Trocadero,
Elephant and Castle, London
Jack Salisbury and his Salon Orchestra
followed by MORNING STORY
' The Lost Talent' by Mary Ping
Read by Barbara Lott
and his Novelty Sextet
Jean and Verna English at two pianos
(Leader, Jack Nugent )
Conductor, Jack Leon
with Harold Smart his electric organ and rhythm group
Produced by Frank Hooper
Today's story: ' The Farmyard Band ' by Ursula Hourihanc , told by Daphne Oxenford
Bouse to House: the sixth of a series in which Jean Metcalfe goes visiting with a tape recorder. 6—'At the home of Godfrey Winn '
(Continued in next column)
Cookery Club: a meeting-place for the exchange of ideas. Nell Heaton , Ambrose Heath , and Molly Weir are challenged to provide a main meal for five people for five shillings. (BBC recording)
Looking at the News: a commentary on current affairs
Reading Your Letters: expressing the listeners' point of view
' Getaway ' by John Harris
Abridged by Neville Teller
Read by Russell Napier
The ninth of fifteen instalments
Programme introduced by Jean Metcalfe
and his Players with Margaret Radnor and Julian Orchard
Bill Savill and his Orchestra
A message of comfort and cheer for all ' in trouble, sorrow, need, sickness, or any other adversity.' Stuart Hibberd introduces a talk by John Gordge
Listeners' letters are very welcome, as they give real help in planning these talks. Send them to Stuart Hibberd , c/o Silver Lining, Broadcasting House, London, W.t. Listeners will realise that speakers cannot reply personally bur will try to deal with their problems in the talks.
Music from theatre and films played by the BBC West of England
Light Orchestra
(Leader. Frederick Lunnon ) Conductor, Frank Cantell
The birthplace of Napoleon and the land of the maquis
Barbara Wace tells of a visit to Corsica last summer and describes her tour of this island in the Mediterranean
Produced by Phyllis Robinson
In which she introduces some old friends and some new ones on gramophone records
A programme for family listening presented by members of the Younger Generation
Flying with feet on the ground
Tom Barnard visits the work-benches of model aircraft enthusiasts to see how they occupy themselves during the winter months
All Yours
Michael Flanders gives the results of the last Younger Generation competition and sets another
Written by Edward J. Mason and Geoffrey Webb.
London v. West Region
Round 2
A series of five-round contests between London and the regions
Professor Denis Brogan
Hubert Phillips
Quiz-Master, Lionel Hale
The Rev. Ivor Machin
Vincent Waite
Quiz-Master, Gilbert Harding
9—' Bend and Be Beautiful' with Barbara Lyon , Richard Lyon
Doris Rogers , Molly Weir
Richard Bellaers
A radio correspondence column in which listeners add their comments to the views expressed In last Friday's Any Questions?'
Introduced by Freddy Grisewood
Produced by Michael Bowen
with Kitty Bluett
Kenneth Connor
Laidman Browne
BBC Variety Orchestra
Conductor, Paul Fenoulhet with music scored by Bob Sharpies
Script by Charles Hart and Bernard Botting
Produced by Leslie Bridgmont
A presentation of music for voices and strings created and conducted by Ronald Binge with The Silver Strings
BBC Chorus
(Chorus-Master, Leslie Woodgate ) and featuring
Max Jaffa
Introduced by Marjorie Anderson
Programme produced by Edward Nash
for olde tyme dancing with Sydney Thompson and his Olde-Tyme Orchestra
Introduced by John Webster
Produced by Rex Burrows
'The Bafut Beagles ' by Gerald Durrell
(to be read In fourteen Instalments) Abridged by Barbara Henderson
Read by Oliver Burt
8—' The King and the Conga'
Joseph Seal at the organ of the Regal, Kingston-on-Thames
followed by Shipping Forecast on 1,500 m. only