Roy Rich introduces your request records
A story, a hymn, and a prayer
Henry Croudson at the BBC theatre organ
The Filmay Light Orchestra
Frank Cantell introduces music for mid-morning played under his direction by the BBC West of England
Light Orchestra
(Leader, Frederick Lunnon )
' Far from the Land' by Bill Naughton
Told by Robert Mooney
and his Orchestra with Annette Klooger and Brian Clarke
(Leader, Frank Thomas )
Conductor, Gilbert Vinter
Willis Grant (organ)
From Birmingham Cathedral
A programme for children under five
Nursery rhymes, stories, and music
Introduced by Mary Ferguson and including
' Spotlight on a Well-Dressed Woman': Athena Crosse talks about blouses-how to choose them, how to wear them, and the role they can play in a limited wardrobe
' I Grow What I Like': Edward Hyams says that he grows vines
' Meeting Point': a newsletter, compiled by Janet Dunbar , concerning the activities of women's organisations in all parts of the British Isles
' In Search of Good Looks':
Phyllis Digby Morton , the beauty expert, talks to the woman who could make more of herself. She describes today the simplest way to gain poise and elegance. Her method? Knowing how to use your feet and give them the right care
Serial: The House in Paris ' by Elizabeth Bowen. Abridged by Brenda Markham. Read by Patience Collier
David Java and his Orchestra
Kettles and Kites
The story of aluminium
A programme arranged in collaboration with E. G. West. Ph.D.
Leslie Baker and his Music
A message of comfort and cheer for all ' in trouble, sorrow, need, sickness, or any other adversity'
Today's speaker is
Professor Emile Cammaerts , C.B.E.
Introduced by Alvar Liddell
(Leader, Jack Nugent )
Conductor, Kemlo Stephen
Conductor, Kemlo Stephen
David Lloyd James looks through the BBC Recorded Programmes Diary of the last twenty years and invites you to listen again to some of the outstanding broadcasts that have taken place during this week in previous years
Produced by Phyllis Robinson
(by permission of the Air Council)
Conducted by Wing-Cdr. A. E. Sims , O.B.E.
' Organising Director of Music,
Royal Air Force
Frank Titterton (tenor)
A fortnightly magazine for young sports enthusiasts
Edited and produced by Alec Weeks and Harold Rogers
Club Chairman, Stan Tomlin
Charles de Beaumont explains the scientific sport of fencing and introduces you to the winners of the ladies' junior foils championship and the junior sabre championship
Junior Sporting Town: Carrickfergus
Kenneth Best introduces the younger generation of Carrickfergus to tell you what they are doing and what is being done for them in the field of sport
A Captain's Job
Billy Wright of the 'Wolves' discusses the many responsibilities, on and off the field, of an England XI captain
Star Turns
Reg Harris, world professional sprint cycling champion, and Stirling Moss , international racing motorist
Gossip Column
Geoffrey Peck gives you the latest news of sporting events and personalities
A story of country folk.
Tunes you have asked us to play
A radio diversion for the whole family
Informally introduced by Harold Warrender with Gillie Potter
Joyce Grenfell
Stanley Holloway
The Pleasure's Mine
Favourite poems read by Wilfred Pickles
A Book by the Fire
Alan Melville talks about books and Ivan Samson , Mary O'Farrell
Noel Johnson , Lydia Sherwood
Macdonald Parke , Olaf Olsen Martin Benson , Olive Gregg
Dennis Vance , and Patience Collier act scenes from them '
Produced by Becky Cocking
Leisure Serenade with Lizbeth Webb
A Wandering Minstrel
John Cameron
Alan Paul at the piano
Leisure Hour Players
Director, Max Jaffa
Incidental music composed by Alan Paul
Produced by Alfred Dunning and Trafford Whitelock
The correspondence column of the air
Introduced by Leslie Baily
Compiled by Leslie Baily and Adrian Thomas
A series of domestic comedies written by Bebe Daniels
Bob Block , and Bill Harding
9—' It's a Wise Father ...'with Barbara Lyon , Richard Lyon
Doris Rogers , Molly Weir
Horace Percival , David Enders
The Dance Orchestra
Conducted bv Stanley Black
Incidental music by Arthur Wilkinson
Produced by Tom Ronald
Old time and sequence dance music played by Phil Cardew and his Orchestra with another lesson on the Country Cotillion by Cecil Ruault
Introduced by Michael Brooke
Produced by David Miller
' Stir up the Dust ' by William Colt MacDonald Read by Charles Richardson
4—' Reunion '
Arthur Lord at the organ of the Regal, Kingston-on-Thames