Introduced by Jerry Desmonde
A story, a hymn, and a prayer
Charles Smitton at the BBC theatre organ
Band of The Life Guards
Conducted by Major A. Lemoine
Director of Music
Conducted by Ray Martin with Leslie Howard
' The Ghost of the Cabaret'
Written and read by Jack McLaren
at the BBC theatre organ
Conductor, Rae Jenkins
Terence MacDonagh (oboe)
A programme for children under five
' He likes it here because he has food and milk and someone to take care of him,' said a little girl as she watched her ' rather grown-up ' black and white kitten. She had listened to Jtan Surchliffe’s story of ' Peter the little Black Kitien ,' and as her mother said, she attributed some of Peter's sentiments ' to her own p:t. In evoking by example, which is always more forceful than precept, such interested and sympathetic consideration by the children of the needs and natures of their pets, our stories can help to incu'cate those ideas of kindness to animals which we would have them develop. This story of the homeless kitten, which has remained a favourite since its first broadcast on the first day of this series, will be heard again on Friday this week.
Tomorrow, being May Day. brings
' The May Day Tree.' by Susanne Hale. It is based on an old country custom and after its broadcast last year we were told of a family of children whose delight in its pretty theme prompted them quite spontaneously to emulation. They. too, took a branch and decked it with flowers and danced like the children in the story.
Elizabeth A. Taylor
Introduced by Mary Hill and including
'Sportswomen': Cliff Michelmore brings to the microphone the world's table tennis doubles champions. Diane Rowe and Rosalind Rowe.
' How We Met': Kaye Webb tells how she nearly missed marrying Ronald Searle
' Over the Hills and Far Away ' : Mexico City, by Marcel Stellman
' Moths and Woolly Bears in their R61e of Pests,' by Ruth Drew
Serial : ' A Woman Among Savages.' The story of Mary Kingsley by Helen Simpson.
Abridged by Nontando Jabavu. Read by Georgie Henschel
David Java and his Orchestra with Rebecca Coulter (soprano)
You and the News
5 — ‛ Why does it matter? '
In the last talk in this series. C. G. Stuttard explains why it is important in any country that people should keep up to date with the news
Jack White and his Band
Script by Joan Carr-Jones
To be repeated tomorrow at 11.0 a.m. La<t week Gwen and David spent the week-end with Sally at Rose Cottage. Much to David's annoyance they met Michael Fanshawe there, who was staying with friends nearby. Bob took Poppy to Berridges' social. Afterwards Mr. King reprimanded him for being friendly with a married woman. Bob told Poppy about Mr. King's remarks and she was so annoyed that she pretended to be very friendly indeed with Mr. King, in front of his wife. Bob and Dr. Dale thought they saw a ' ghost-like ' object in Mrs. Mountford's garden. Miss Marchbanks was terrified and asked if she could come and stay with the Dales, but Mrs. Dale persuaded her to remain with Mrs. Mountford.
(Continued in next column)
Principal characters this week:
A comedy by Horace Hughes and T. Wigney Percyval
Adapted by Cynthia Pughe
at the BBC theatre organ
and his Orchestra with Jean Camobell , David Carey and the Staplejacks
Written by Edward J. Mason and Geoffrey Webb.
A story of country folk.
26—‛ Back in October ’
Tunes you have asked us to play
A series of three trials reconstructed by Christianna Brand and Lester Powell and narrated by Valentine Dyall
3-Jessie M'Lachlan
Jessie M. Lachtan
Adam Gifford John Fleming Robert Lundie Thomas Ralton
Mrs. Campbell Mary Downie Sarah Adams Mrs. Chassels
Andrew Rutherford Clark
Old Mr Flaming Donnald McQuarrie.
The Judige
• The clerk
The detective
Produced by David H. Godfrey
Heralding Variety in the North with the Kordites
The Hedley Ward Trio
Gerry Riche
Tommy Reilly
Ken Platt
Julie Andrews
Charlie Chester
Northern Variety Orchestra
Conducted by Ray Martin
Presented by Bowker Andrews
Seven-a-side cricket
Lord's Taverners v. ' England '
Commentaries by John Arlott ,
Rex Alston , and others followed by 10.40 app. Dancing to
Billy Ternent and his Orchestra
From the Great Room,
Grosvenor House. London
The Flying Yorkshireman ' by Eric Knight
Reader, John Sharp. Part 1
Don Caple directs the Moonrakers with Rosemary Squires